
Behind the Scenes: Eco-friendly Materials

As you may have guessed, here at Maria Allen we are committed to ensuring that the materials we use to make our products are as sustainable and tread as lightly on the planet as possible!
We use UK suppliers wherever possible and products such as our sterling silver cufflinks are made from mostly recycled silver. We are proud of our amazing supply of reclaimed British wood from the surrounding area which we use in all our round bezel cufflinks and keyrings. We also use FSC certified cherry, walnut and alder wood for our brooches, necklaces, earrings, coasters and luggage tags. This guarantees the wood is sustainably sourced and harvested according to FSC guidelines meaning it's a lot better for the environment and helps to combat deforestation. The whole team shares the company's environmental values, contributing to our green business by recycling paperwork and packaging to repurposing materials and minimising wasteful samples - every little helps.
Take a look at the journey from wood supplier to keyring below!

Visiting our local wood supplier in Sussex. 

The team laser-cutting our beautiful designs.

After laser-cutting the wooden discs are assembled by hand.

Here's the finished product! 

