Storybook Written Date Bouquet Locket
Storybook Written Date Bouquet Locket
Storybook Written Date Bouquet Locket
Storybook Written Date Bouquet Locket

Storybook Written Date Bouquet Locket


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A beautiful storybook locket containing your choice of date written out in words, in a calligraphy style font - ideal to attach to a bouquet.

The perfect way to carry a special message from a loved one on your wedding day and the hidden message makes it an extra personal and unique present.

This will be carefully made for you in our Brighton studio. It has pretty floral detailing on the front and back, and further decorative details on the inside. The locket can be easily attached to the bouquet by the white organza ribbon at the top of the locket.

This locket is hinged and opens easily, and closes securely with a small clasp. The wooden discs inside are made from reclaimed British cherry wood, and are set within the brass locket.

Your written date will be etched in a calligraphy style font and will bit split across the locket. Please type the date in written form (i.e. fifth of July two thousand and eighteen) into the box provided.

made from:

The locket is made from two thin pieces of reclaimed British cherry wood, etched and set within the locket keyring.

It will arrive beautifully presented in a branded gift box.


The book locket measures 24mm x 20mm x 4mm and is attached to a peice of organza ribbon.